Zubeida Seedat Zubeida Seedat

Healing Through Grief: Finding Comfort and Strength in Islam

Inna lilahi wa inna illahi raji'unβ€”To Allah we belong, and to Him is our return. These words offer a profound reminder of our place in the universe and the temporary nature of our worldly existence. Losing a loved one is undoubtedly one of the hardest trials we face in this life. Yet, Allah (SWT) has created us to worship Him and live in communities where we support one another. Talking about our feelings of sadness and loss is an essential step toward healing.

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Hazira Khan Hazira Khan

Finding Solace in God's Love

So often, in this strange reality we inhabit, we find ourselves teetering on the brink of being overwhelmed by life's many hurdles and hardships. They are a ready, bottomless pit at our feet, awaiting the moment we can no longer balance at the edge. Echoing in this pit are menacing whispers, encouraging your pain, exacerbating your sorrow, urging you to keep giving up.

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Risikatu Oyewunmi Risikatu Oyewunmi

Powerful Duas for Depression and Anxiety

Anxiety and depression are types of mood disorders. Depression causes feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and reduced energy, while anxiety creates feelings of nervousness, worry, or dread. Although these two disorders are different, it is possible to experience both simultaneously. Major depression is a treatable disorder that affects how a person thinks, feels, acts, and functions. At any point in time, 3 to 5 percent of people suffer from major depression, and the lifetime risk is about 17 percent.

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Zubeida Seedat Zubeida Seedat

Understanding Compassion Fatigue: A Spiritual Perspective

Compassion fatigue is trauma or trauma by proxy which means exposure to the trauma of other people. This includes continuous care and responsibility, eg a parent, carer, health care workers without support . Lack of self care and insufficient personal or professional boundaries lead to compassion fatigue.

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Rashdah Hameed Rashdah Hameed

How Therapy for Muslim Women in the UK Can Make a Difference

Therapy for Muslim women in the UK is crucial to help countless women suffering in silence. Due to the stigma attached to mental health and the cultural expectations for a woman to carry on despite numerous challenges, many women cannot reach out to their families and friends.

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